“Neighborhood Networks Centers” are a Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) initiative to create a facility where computers are available to residents of a particular multifamily housing development and to the residents of the local community. The NNC is a means for community residents to gain and improve on the life skills that are necessary to increase their self-sufficiency through education and training. It will serve as an advocate for the residents of the community by providing outreach and referral services such as job preparation/placement, educational needs, family counseling, budgeting & financial planning, nutritional consultation, and health services.
Although fifty percent of American families are estimated to have home computers, the percentage is far lower for families in affordable housing. Neighborhood Networks bridges this computer gap and offers low-income families the computer training that will contribute to personal growth, employment, and self-sufficiency.
Objectives :
- Neighborhood Networks offer education, information, and training in job related skills. Anyone that takes advantage of these opportunities increases their chances of getting a better job.
- Children have access to computers during after school hours and school grades improve.
- Life skills improve. A supplemental curriculum has been developed that addresses the individual needs and concerns of the community. The timing and content of the supplemental curriculum is sharpened by the interest and enthusiasm of the participants, and by the contributions of our partners – businesses, educational institutions, foundations, civic organizations- and YOU. The entire community will benefit by an increase in the number of valuable employees in the work place, a reduction in the number of public assistance recipients, and the community will become a safer place to live.
Volunteer Opportunities :
Parents participating in Neighborhood Network Centers notice that their children do better in school. Why? Because children get their values from their parents, and if the parents show that they value education, then their children will value education as well. Neighborhood Centers promote education with a practical mix of academics, job training, and life skills. Education is the key to a better life for everyone, and one of the doors unlocked by education is a good job at good pay.