Property Types


The PROPERTY TYPES Westminster Company offers management services for are:

Affordable Housing/ Tax Credits :
Affordable housing is needed in just about every community today. Working with the Department of Housing & Urban Development, local and state finance agencies and private owners, Westminster is able to provide much needed affordable housing units for low income and elderly residents all over the southeast.

Westminster Company has a “Resident Services Plan” that is focused toward providing “Positive Choices” by providing job skills, computer training, anti-drug education, along with other life skills for the entire community. It has always been our belief that you must address the social problems that exist in a neighborhood, if you are to be successful.

Conventional Properties :
At Westminster Company, we strive to maintain our competitive edge. We create and add value by increasing occupancy, controlling costs, and seeking ancillary income opportunities in every property we manage.

We pay close and careful attention to the amenities and services your residents want most, not just to attract residents initially, but to keep them over the long term. We’re constantly scanning the marketplace, brainstorming new and better ways to make your properties the most desirable in the marketplace.

Mixed-Income Properties :
Westminster is one of the few companies that manage private mixed income housing. Our familiarity with section 8 and tax credit issues makes us the leader in this industry.

Mixed income housing, where a number of the total units is set aside for low or moderate income residents, is increasingly common in the housing industry today. We believe the key to management success in these types of properties is incorporated in our resident service programs.