
"Putting Residents First To Create Value That Lasts"

At Westminster Company, “Putting residents first to create value that lasts” is our Mission!  Its why we do what we do, its who are we and who we serve.

Our Vision: 

  • At Westminster Company we imagine a future where safe, affordable housing is accessible by all.

Our Values:

  • Integrity– Acting ethically is a principal value of our people, and it guides our decision-making.
  • Passion– We know that to win in our industry we must act intentionally, and with passion for our residents     experience.
  • Empower Others– Whether it’s our residents or our employees, empowering others to be the best version of themselves creates experiences that are authentic and that have lasting effects on families and communities.
  • Accountability– When we make a habit of taking personal responsibility for our actions, words, and thoughts, we  create an environment that is rooted in collaborative teamwork.

These are more than just words on a page. This philosophy goes into everything we do and has made Westminster one of the most heralded companies in the country for managing successful communities.